Thirty-something married couple Brad & Carly blog about raising their young sons Elias and Oliver.
Posted by Carly at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Okay so Mom hasn't let me at the computer in a long, long time. She says I don't sit still long enough anymore to actually type a post, but I'll show her.
For all my peops, I'm crawling, creeping and almost standing alone. Because of all those things I bang my head a lot and I mean a lot. Mom, Dad and Gramma Sonny have a penguin ice pack on hand for my bruises and bumps. I think it makes me look tough Mom worries about someone called "DCFS". I can say dadda, hi and hey. They keep harassing me about momma so I keep stringing them along.
Also, I recently acquired the skill of clapping and man do I love it. My toys and Mom and Dad like to sing this song, "If you happy and you know it clap your hands" and darned if I don't clap my hands. I just can't help myself. Today I picked up the phone and said, hi. Hey they do it, why not me.
Oh and I got another tooth. Mom and Dad think it's funny because I didn't get the top front upper, I got the one on the side called the lateral incisor not the central so I may be chewing on the side of my mouth.
Like Dad I love cheese. I've been eating it a lot lately. I also like crackers, raisins, bananas (always have but know they're chunky) and bread. This food thing is pretty cool. Mom said that I can have some turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving. I can't wait.
Speaking of Thanksgiving I get to see my cousins Sophie and Shelby again. We had so much fun the last time I can't wait till they get to see my pad.
Well I showed Mom and updated y'all so hopefully I'll be back sooner than later. Peace out...Elias.
Posted by Carly at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Posted by Carly at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Posted by Carly at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: babysitting
Posted by Carly at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Elections
Posted by Carly at 7:02 PM 0 comments