So after Dad threw out his back Mom and Dad vowed to get in shape. Now I want to remind everyone Mom still weighs less than when she got pregnant with me but she still wants to get even healthier. Anyway, since they want to get in shape they decided to start doing some fast walking on the beautiful trails around here. These trails are not always smooth so we needed a all terrain stroller. After stopping in at
Right Start we found out they were having a deal on
Phil & Ted's Sport Buggy. The deal was you got the second seat free. Now I don't know why they need a second seat, they said something about having another kid, but we're going to have talk about that.

We got the "Badger" red one. I took a ride with Marbs today and man is it cool. As you can see I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was pretty nice out but Mom bundled me all up because I'm still a bit sick. I can't wait to take it off-roadin'. Peace out...Elias
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