Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a great holiday. At our household the Easter Bunny came and Elias did a little egg hunt in the backyard. He also got some wonderful things from the Grandparents.

I enjoyed the day waddling around behind Elias. Oh the joys of the third trimester. I had a nice bought of sciatica today that was nearly debilitating. I actually had to lay down for a while to be able to walk around. Thankfully it went away. Hopefully I can convince my Ob/Gyn to send me to message therapy.

I never had sciatica with Elias. I've talked to a couple people who've had more than one child and they've told me the second is much harder than the first pregnancy. I think the second is harder just because you're chasing the first (or second) one around. Just like other things in pregnancy I guess it prepares you for all the running around you'll need to do when you have two!