So I like sucking on my highchair, sue me. I also like sucking on my bug, my Bumbo, my blanket, my, wait I like sucking on everything!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but Daddy has been out of town and Mom's been keeping me busy, not the other way around of course. I miss Daddy but he's coming back tomorrow. Mom, Gramma Bette and I have been keeping busy. For instance I now like to roll and roll a lot. The only problem Mom says is that I roll onto my stomach and cry. Yeah, that's right I forgot how to roll back. I used to do it all the time but I've had a lot on my mind. It's just easier to cry, make Mom get out of bed and come roll me back over. That way I get to see her every 20 minutes in the morning. Just wait until Dad gets back, than he can play that game with me!
Oh, I've also been laughing up a storm. I love it when Mom hides under my highchair and then pops back up. Man is that funny.

We're heading up to Lake Geneva on Thurs. and Mom and Dad are really excited. They say they need a "vacation" real bad. I'm not sure what this "vacation" is but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Mom got me and Ava, that's her on the left, life jackets for the boat. If I fall off, which Mom said she'll have a grip on me like a steel claw, but if I DO happen to fall off it makes my head stay up and me on my back so my face isn't in the water. That's pretty cool. I may not post a lot but I know the 'rents are bringing the video camera. Peace out for now. Elias.
really, seriously, could he be any cuter?!?!
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