Sorry I haven't posted in almost a week, egad, but it's been busy. It all started last Thursday night. First, and obviously best, Elias rolled over. You seriously gotta love those video monitors. If it wasn't for our video monitor we would have never seen it.
I was up getting ready for bed, Gramma Bette and Brad were downstairs finishing watching the news. I always like to take a peek at Elias on the monitor before I go to bed and as I turned it on I saw him trying to make his way from his back to his stomach. Well lo and behold he turned over. I rushed downstairs to show Gramma and Dad and then he rolled back over to his back.
Well, that was the last Mom and Dad got to see of the rolling. Gramma Bette said he did it twice (from stomach to back) while playing the next day. Brad is bound and determined to get it on video to show everyone but Elias is not having that. We do have a lot of video of him being tickled and laughing his head off, which I'll post shortly.
But wait, our night was not yet complete. Enter Hero Dog and Daddy.
The scene, around 11:00 p.m., I'm asleep and Brad is watching TV in bed. Marbie starts barking so Brad goes to investigate. He doesn't see anything so gives Marbs a pat and tells him to go back to bed. Just as soon as Brad is back in bed Marbie starts barking again. I hear him and ask what he's barking at. Brad again goes to investigate. Next thing I know, Brad comes running upstairs and tells me to stay put there is a very drunk man trying to get into our house.
Here's the scenerio, when Brad went downstairs the second time (thanks to Hero Dog's continued barking) he opened the door and saw a drunk guy at the bottom of our porch. Brad told him to leave or he'd call the police. Well he didn't. Brad called the police, told Gramma Bette to stay in her room and came upstairs to get our trusty baseball bat that is kept under the bed. When he got back downstairs the man was now trying to open the door. That's when Hero Daddy yelled, "If you try to come in this door I'll bash you *&^#$ head in." The drunk man replied, "But this is my house."
I then called 911 and the Brookfield Police were already outside. Thankfully the drunk was not a mean drunk, just a sloppy drunk. The police spoke with him and tried again to tell him that our house was not his house. They finally found a phone number and got him home.
After a very scary night, we all had a good laugh about how truly wasted this guy was. I mean, there is a guy screaming at you with a baseball bat and you still think it's your place. To make matters even worse it looks as though he might have driven. The next morning I got up and behind my truck, parked the WRONG way on our one-way street, was an unfamiliar car half on the grass. It was gone by the time I returned but assumptions point to our drunk guy.

To end this VERY long post I have to give a shout out to my 13 year-old Hero Dog who barked and barked to make sure we knew something was wrong and my wonderful Hero Husband/Dad who protected his family like no other. Big props and kisses to you both...Carly
I was up getting ready for bed, Gramma Bette and Brad were downstairs finishing watching the news. I always like to take a peek at Elias on the monitor before I go to bed and as I turned it on I saw him trying to make his way from his back to his stomach. Well lo and behold he turned over. I rushed downstairs to show Gramma and Dad and then he rolled back over to his back.
Well, that was the last Mom and Dad got to see of the rolling. Gramma Bette said he did it twice (from stomach to back) while playing the next day. Brad is bound and determined to get it on video to show everyone but Elias is not having that. We do have a lot of video of him being tickled and laughing his head off, which I'll post shortly.
But wait, our night was not yet complete. Enter Hero Dog and Daddy.
The scene, around 11:00 p.m., I'm asleep and Brad is watching TV in bed. Marbie starts barking so Brad goes to investigate. He doesn't see anything so gives Marbs a pat and tells him to go back to bed. Just as soon as Brad is back in bed Marbie starts barking again. I hear him and ask what he's barking at. Brad again goes to investigate. Next thing I know, Brad comes running upstairs and tells me to stay put there is a very drunk man trying to get into our house.
Here's the scenerio, when Brad went downstairs the second time (thanks to Hero Dog's continued barking) he opened the door and saw a drunk guy at the bottom of our porch. Brad told him to leave or he'd call the police. Well he didn't. Brad called the police, told Gramma Bette to stay in her room and came upstairs to get our trusty baseball bat that is kept under the bed. When he got back downstairs the man was now trying to open the door. That's when Hero Daddy yelled, "If you try to come in this door I'll bash you *&^#$ head in." The drunk man replied, "But this is my house."
I then called 911 and the Brookfield Police were already outside. Thankfully the drunk was not a mean drunk, just a sloppy drunk. The police spoke with him and tried again to tell him that our house was not his house. They finally found a phone number and got him home.
After a very scary night, we all had a good laugh about how truly wasted this guy was. I mean, there is a guy screaming at you with a baseball bat and you still think it's your place. To make matters even worse it looks as though he might have driven. The next morning I got up and behind my truck, parked the WRONG way on our one-way street, was an unfamiliar car half on the grass. It was gone by the time I returned but assumptions point to our drunk guy.
To end this VERY long post I have to give a shout out to my 13 year-old Hero Dog who barked and barked to make sure we knew something was wrong and my wonderful Hero Husband/Dad who protected his family like no other. Big props and kisses to you both...Carly
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