Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm sick...

So I have been really sick for the last two days. I haven't even gone to work. It's been almost 2 years since I've gotten sick so I guess it's my time. Of course Little Man has a cold as well but his is much less severe and he's in a MUCH better mood. He's spending the day with Gramma Sonny so Mommy can sleep in a NyQuil induced coma. However upon waking up I feel worse. My throat hurts and my nose is burning.

I've had to reschedule two interviews, one which I was really looking forward to. Thankfully she was understanding once hearing my voice. I still don't like rescheduling though, for some reason it seems like a sign of weakness. I keep telling myself that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would want to be around me like this, plus it would be a terrible interview with snot running out of my nose.

Elias and I also had to cancel plans with Jack and his mom Meghan. We'd been looking forward to a Mom's and Baby's night out for a while. I would just feel really bad if we got either of them sick.

Being a Mom now you don't have much time to be sick. It's amazing the strength you can find when you need it. Personally, what is the most ironic thing about this situation is that Elias is finally sleeping through the night and now I'm not. Isn't that the s*#t.