So Alex and Auntie Erin came to visit yesterday and boy was it fun. Alex and I played cars, trucks, we played with my ball and had a really good time. All five of us went out to dinner. I got a little tired and Mom took me home to get ready for bed.

Well, Gramma Bette is coming next weekend and in two weeks we're off to Austin to meet Asher (that's him on the right). Mom keeps asking me if I'm going to be good on the plane. I tell her, "Don't worry about it." I actually say, "THBBTT, woooo, heeeaahh" but I think she's knows what I'm talking about. Peace out...Elias
When Mom was changing my PJ's we could hear Alex calling for Mommy. He was saying "Cawee", "Cawee". Mom thought it was too cool. When she would come into the room Alex would say, "Hi Cawee" and she would say "Hi Alex". Alex would also pat my head and say, "Baby Elias is nice." I think you're nice too Alex!
I can't wait until I can talk. I'm going to talk Mom's ear off.
After I went to bed I think Mom, Dad and Auntie Erin stayed up pretty late because they all looked really tired this morning. Dad napped with me on my first nap and then Mom did on my second. It sounded like they all had a really good time though. I heard Mom telling Auntie that we should all see each other more often. I would really like that because I totally love them. It would sure be fun to go and visit them in Wisconsin. Alex has lots of cool toys.

Well, Gramma Bette is coming next weekend and in two weeks we're off to Austin to meet Asher (that's him on the right). Mom keeps asking me if I'm going to be good on the plane. I tell her, "Don't worry about it." I actually say, "THBBTT, woooo, heeeaahh" but I think she's knows what I'm talking about. Peace out...Elias
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