So Mom, Dad and I went to see Santa on Sunday. We drove all the way out to Woodfield Mall only to find out Santa had a wait. A wait, since when do people have to wait for Santa. Anyway, the wait was 2 hours and I wasn't having that. I can barely wait 2 minutes let alone 2 hours. Mom and Dad said that we can go see him next week when Gramma Bette comes to town and Daddy is off work. That way I can tell him what I want right before he comes.
In other news Mom and Dad put up the tree. I really don't care about it one way or the other but they keep telling me that this Santa guy will make it worth my while pretty soon. They also dressed me up and sat me in front of it to take pictures for our holiday cards. I think they turned out pretty good, but I know I'm handsome. 

I'm starting to talk a lot more. Well, what I call talking anyway. It's mostly a bunch of syllables but I know what I'm saying and that's all that matters. Today though I thought I'd throw them a bone and I pointed at a yellow chicken and said, "DUCK". Daddy said that was close enough. Hey it was yellow and if it walks like a duck....
We're having a big snow storm right now so Mommy's going to try and hurry home. Peace out...Elias
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