In my family we always had a bonus present day on December 6th, St. Nicholas Day. We celebrated St. Nick's Day since we are predominantly Dutch (Grandma's and Great-Grandma's). As Wikipedia explains...The Dutch celebrate Sinterklaas on December 5th, St. Nicholas Eve, with festive family parties when gifts and surprises are exchanged. In the Netherlands, unlike other places, adults as well as children join in the fun. As the Dutch like an element of surprise, a small gift may be wrapped in a huge box, or it may be hidden and require following clues to discover where it is. Where St. Nicholas is prominent, his day, not Christmas, is the primary gift giving day. Parties may be held on the eve, December 5th, and shoes or stockings left for St. Nicholas to fill during the night. Children will find treats of small gifts, fruit or nuts, and special Nicholas candies and cookies. St. Nicholas gifts are meant to be shared, not hoarded for oneself.

We mainly did small gifts left in one's stockings and/or candy treats. As a kid it meant bonus presents. This weekend we continued the tradition with Elias. St. Nick brought Elias books, a teddy bear and some

And for all you kids out there reading this blog, psst don't forget to tell your parents about St. Nick's Day ;)
Oh and thanks to Grandpa Bill for helping to get our Christmas tree. It was a very cold and snowy day!

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