Thirty-something married couple Brad & Carly blog about raising their young sons Elias and Oliver.
Posted by Carly at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: Elias
Posted by Carly at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Posted by Carly at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Nowadays Grandparents are older, live far away and basically have lives. I would love for Elias' Grandparents to drop everything and take care of him but that's not only impossible but selfish.
That said, our parents are being very accomodating and watching Elias until he's six months old. Then when he goes to daycare he'll be a bit older, more aware and starting solid foods. However, that doesn't mean I'm at all more at ease with it. The idea of handing my son to a stranger kills me. I've seen too many of those hidden nanny cams were the nanny is shaking the child. I don't know what I would do to a person who did that to my child, but I'll tell you it wouldn't be pretty. When Elias finally does go to daycare I know that I'll have run extensive background checks, talked to about 500 references and spied on the facility.
Someday I'll have my own practice, hopefully with one of my best friends, and the daycare situation will be a lot easier. Until then I'm going to unclench my fists, stop grinding my teeth and try and find someone to watch Elias who lives up to my standards. As Brad would say, good luck with that.
Posted by Carly at 4:24 PM 3 comments
Posted by Carly at 7:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: Elias
Posted by Carly at 2:00 PM 0 comments
I know, I know, I'm talking about poop again but this stuff is fascinating. So as you know Elias has been having, or should I say lacking bowel movements lately. It had been over a week since his last one. I called the doc to make sure it was okay and they said as long as he wasn't uncomfortable, was passing gas (very, very stinky gas I might add) and was eating, all was good. Well today we hit the motherload.
First I smelled something. Like an idiot I stuck my finger in his diaper. Now I'll add for the past eight days I've been smelling something and nothing was there so I was actually glad when it came back poopy. I went to change his diaper and call Daddy to tell him we had a poop. When I finally opened the diaper I saw it was a small one. I thought something is better than nothing. As I wiped and put another diaper underneath it started. The poop flowed like a soft serve ice cream machine.
Needless to say, five diapers later he was done. Thankfully, I told Brad, I caught it before it all went in ONE diaper. We would have had a very messy baby on our hands.
Funny thing is I weighed myself this morning (five pounds lighter than when I got pregnant thank you very much) and then added him and the scaled said he weighed 11 pounds. After the poop, 10!
Posted by Carly at 5:51 PM 2 comments
Posted by Carly at 12:56 PM 2 comments
I like my shirt here - Dad picked it out, of course - but I'm not sure what it means.
Dad said I'd get caught up in no time - something about a guy named James Bond. I guess Dad has a couple of his movies. He's already read me some of "From Russia With Love" and he keeps calling our dog, 00Stinky... whatever that means.
Anyway, he told me to ask you all who your favorite Bond is - Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby (I know nobody but dad remembers him), Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig?
What about your favorite Bond movie?
I guess my favorite is "Casino Royale" (check out a cool scene) but I'm new-school!
- Peace out... Elias
Posted by Carly at 8:19 AM 2 comments
That fear - holding babies.
For some reason, many men are uncomfortable, nervous, fearful of holding relatives' and friends' babies. Is it we just don't know what we're doing? It's not built into are DNA like it is in women? Or we fear holding a baby comfortably (or uncomfortably), telegraphs to our significant other our deep down willingness (or hesitation) about having one of our own?
Well, I'm not the one in the family with a pysch degree - so I won't fathom a theory. All I know is it's common.
Some friends were over last night for dinner and we asked the husband if he wanted to hold Elias - his wife interjected that he's afraid to hold babies. Well, we quickly convinced him to go ahead and do it anyway. So he sat down on the floor - I guess minimizing the potential fall distance from 5 feet to 1 foot - and held Elias for a couple minutes. Our friend did just fine - he didn't drop Elias, who actually looked quite comfortable.
So don't be like I used to be - hold a baby... it's easy!
It can also be plenty smelly, but that's a whole other issue.
Any other baby-holding phobes (current or reformed) out there? Tell me your funniest baby-holding story.
- Brad
Posted by Carly at 9:29 AM 1 comments
Posted by Carly at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Okay, now that I'm a parent I talk about the weirdest things. A few weeks ago our friends Michelle, Gus and their daughter Liza came over. Now we talked about a lot of things but we also talked about poop. They told a funny story about being at a friend's house and dealing with an exploding diaper. A couple of days ago Erin and I were on the phone. We also talked about poop. How Elias was a little backed up because of his cold. It seems that parents are obsessed with poop. Several years ago Erin and I would be talking about who we saw at the bars and who's dating who, but now, poop.
What I want to know from other parents is are there any other weird things you find yourself talking about and from non-parents, how annoying do you find us? As Elias says, Peace out...C
P.S. I'll save you the disgust of posting a picture of poo!
Posted by Carly at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Posted by Carly at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: Elias
Posted by Carly at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: Elias
Posted by Carly at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: BPA
Shout out to Heather, Mike & big brother Charlie! They welcomed Lucille "Lucy" Marjorie on Saturday, March 8, 2008. She weighed 8lbs., 3 oz. and was 19 inches long. Congratulations on your new little girl!
Posted by Carly at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Posted by Carly at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Elias
Before I get to more bragging about Elias I thought I'd let everyone know the origin of our blog name. Little Man Blues refers to a song Brad composed for Elias. It goes something like this:
Posted by Carly at 10:02 AM 5 comments
Labels: Little Man Blues
My name is Carly and I'm a 33 year old new mom. My husband Brad and I had our first child, Elias, on January 23, 2008, after about a year of trying. Brad and I have been married for 7 years and been together about 14 (yes we started dating young). We met at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers) our freshman year in Ogg Hall. After several years we ended up in the Chicagoland area where I attended law school. Currently I'm working at the Cook County Public Defender's Office and Brad is the Sports Editor at the Naperville Sun. I'm sure Brad will add more information, as well as correct my grammar, in later posts.
In 1995 Marbie became a member of our family. He would be considered our first baby. Since Elias has been born Marbie's been great, surprisingly. He took to older brotherhood like he'd been doing it his whole life. I'm very proud of him.
Just about six weeks ago Elias joined the fam and I'll tell you he is an amazing, wonderful, special, loving, addition (can you tell I think he's the best)! There will be a lot more on him later believe me. By the way, he smiled for the first time on March 5!
Well, that's it for now. I do have several thoughts, comments and ideas I want to blog about in the upcoming days. Also, I'll be looking for sage advice and opinions from those of you who are already parents, or just anybody. Brad will be posting as well. I'm sure you'll be able to tell his posts by his fantastic prose and etiquette. :)
Talk to you soon...C
Posted by Carly at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: Carly and Brad