Saturday, March 29, 2008

A little one on one

So for the first time, Elias and I got to spend time together in the house with nobody else around. Mommy was at a doctor's appointment - so it was just the two of us.

This long wait for 'alone time' wasn't intentional - just kind of worked out that way... Mommy was always around or when she happened to have an errand or appointment, there always seemed to be a grandparent or relative over.

Elias and I did pretty well - he cried for the first 20 minutes or so before I put on one of my all-time favorite underrated movies: Roman Polanski's 1980s Parisian thriller "Frantic" starring Harrison Ford.

Like it always does with mommy, the movie put Elias right to sleep - of course, I like to believe he was tired to begin with and that's why he cried so much beforehand.

- Dad