I have to give all single mothers a standing ovation. Let me explain. So Brad threw out his back this weekend. It is so bad he really can't move. Today we're going to the doc to make sure he didn't slip a disk or anything, but back to the point of the post. Without his help it has been kind of crazy. Now staying home with Elias I know I do the majority of the baby rearing, however when Brad comes home from work it allows me the time to shower, change, do laundry, etc. Brad's back is so bad he can't even hold Elias. Well he can, he just can't move, and for an active baby that's no fun. So without anyone to hand the baby to he's been attached to my hip now for almost three days, which leads us to another issue.
Elias seems to be going through a major Mommy period. Now he's never been one to like to be put down, but for the last few days I can't for even a second. I don't know if this is a result of breastfeeding, me utterly spoiling him, or he's just a Momma's boy.

Also, Elias does not like to go to sleep. He fights taking a nap tooth and nail. First he'll cry and then when he's too tired to cry anymore, he'll still try and stay awake. Yesterday he only slept for approximately two hours during the day. He should be sleeping around six! This led to him waking up every three hours last night. Today he went into the sling. The sling is an automatic nap machine. Since he wouldn't nap again, I "slinged" him. He is now asleep on me, in the sling while I type.
I do have to give him a little credit. He did let me shower while he went into his bouncy chair. The monkey and the parrot kept him thoroughly entertained while I washed!
Has anyone else ever gone through this, either the Mommy issue or the sleep issue. If so please feel free to dole out advice. I could use it. -C
Thanks Chris - he does actually like his gymini (the floor mat with hanging animals) but only for about 20 minutes. I think he has a cold now again (poor guy) so that's why he's extra clingy.
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