Friday, August 29, 2008
Welcome Labor Day
Posted by Carly at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: books, Carly and Brad
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I am 7 months old!
Hey everybody I thought I'd give you all an update. I'm seven months old today. I can sit up, scoot around and roll around like crazy. Mom and Dad can't leave me on the floor anymore because I like to bang on the DVR. I also love, love, love to squirm when they change my diaper. It's hilarious to watch Mom and Dad struggle to get my diaper on right. I'm eating a ton more solid foods and enjoy pretty much everything. I think I heard Mom talking about starting to blend the food they eat and feed it to me pretty soon. That will be too cool.
Posted by Carly at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Haircut Story
So some of you had heard my haircut story but some have not so hear goes. Last week I had an appointment to get my haircut. I had decided to chop it all off. As you women know, this is sometimes scary and you have to work up the nerve to do. So I psyched myself all day to get it chopped. I entered my hair salon and said I had an appointment. This is were the craziness begins.
They tell me, oops its for next week, which was their mistake not mine. Again as you ladies know, since I had worked up the nerve the haircut was going to happen that day! I decided to find another place and see if they could fit me in. After several calls and searches on the Aveda website I found what I thought was a reputable place in a decent suburb. I checked out their website, called and lo and behold they could fit me in. Now let me paint the picture as I walked in.
First, it was in a strip mall. Not that all salons in strip malls are bad, I usually just don't happen to go to them. Second, there were a number of little old ladies getting perms. Again, nothing wrong with little old ladies but they tend not to frequent the salons I go to. Third, my hairdresser walks out and he visibly has Parkinson's. I know many people live long, happy lives with Parkinson's (look at Michael J. Fox) but you usually don't want your hairdresser to shake as he cuts 13 inches off your hair.
I almost turned around and walked out, but I'd come this far. It couldn't be that bad, and it wasn't! I actually got a cut I really, really like. He cut off 13 inches of my hair and I donated it to Locks of Love. My hair is easy, healthy and now baby-proof.
Even though I did like the cut I don't think I'll be returning. Not for any of the aforementioned reasons but they charged me for a blow-dry! Are you kidding me!
Posted by Carly at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carly and Brad, update
Patent Ductus Arteriousus
Sounds like a new fangled thing for your furnace right, but it's not. It is actually a congenital heart defect that we just found out the Little Man has. Before we get into the basics I'll tell you he is right as rain. Thankfully our wonderful pediatrician heard a possible murmur and sent us to a pediatric cardiologist who than diagnosed patent ductus arteriousus (PDA). Elias has had no outward signs of PDA besides the murmur. He is very active, very happy and very healthy. Actually he probably inherited it from Gramma Bette who also has PDA but did not learn about until she was in her 30's. That doesn't mean I of course didn't freak out, cry and have a breakdown (all outside the presence of Little Man).
So here's the deal. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a heart problem that occurs soon after birth in some babies. In PDA, there is an abnormal circulation of blood between two of the major arteries near the heart. Before birth, the two major arteries—the aorta and the pulmonary artery—are normally connected by a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus, which is an essential part of the fetal circulation. After birth, the vessel is supposed to close within a few days as part of the normal changes occurring in the baby's circulation. In some babies, however, the ductus arteriosus remains open (patent). This opening allows blood to flow directly from the aorta into the pulmonary artery, which can put a strain on the heart and increase the blood pressure in the lung arteries.
In normal birth-weight infants such as Elias the larger a PDA is, the greater the amount of extra blood that passes through the lungs. A small PDA might not cause any problems (such as in our case), whereas a larger PDA is likely to cause problems. PDA can increase the risk of bacterial endocarditis that is why Gramma Bette has to take antibiotics before going to the dentist. Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart, valves, or arteries. In the case of PDA, the increased flow of blood can irritate the lining of the pulmonary artery where the PDA connects. This irritation makes it easier for bacteria in the bloodstream to collect and grow there.
A large PDA that is allowed to remain open for an extended period of time can cause the heart to enlarge and to have to work harder. Also, fluid can build up in the lungs.
If Elias' PDA does not close up on it's own he will likely have to have a procedure when he is one or two. The procedure is an out-patient catheter procedure explained next. Catheters are thin, flexible tubes used in a procedure called cardiac catheterization (KATH-e-ter-i-ZA-shun). Catheter-based procedures are often used to close PDAs in infants or children who are large enough to have the procedure. Your child's doctor may refer to the procedure as "transcatheter device closure." The procedure is sometimes done on small PDAs to prevent the risk of bacterial endocarditis. During the procedure, your child will be sedated or given general anesthesia so he or she will sleep and not feel any discomfort. The doctor will place a catheter in a large blood vessel in the upper thigh (groin) and guide it to your child's heart. A small metal coil or other blocking device is passed up through the catheter and placed in the ductus arteriosus to block blood flow through the vessel. Catheter-based procedures: Do not require the child's chest to be opened; Let the child recover quickly; Closing a PDA using a catheter is often done on an outpatient basis. You will most likely be able to take your child home the same day the procedure is done. Complications of catheter-based procedures are rare and short term. They can include bleeding, infection, and movement of the blocking device from where it was placed. If you want even more info this is a great website to check it out.
So that's the deal. I'm still taking it all in. Every time I look at my beautiful baby boy I see a healthy, happy baby and I am extremely thankful for that. It seems with or without the procedure Elias should be fine. Still, until you're a parent you can never realize the feeling of helplessness when your child is sick or diagnosed with an illness. In my heart I know he'll be fine. That doesn't mean for the next several months/years I won't be watching Elias like a hawk and I probably will need Valium if he has the procedure. However I do remind myself everyday how truly lucky and thankful we are to have him and for him to be as healthy as he is. Elias is the absolute best thing that I have ever done in my life. I love him more than anything and always will.
P.S. Shout out to Asher Clyde who got his first tooth at 4 1/2 months! Way to go Big Man! Elias is still waiting for his to poke through.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Elias Tooth Results
Alas, Elias has yet to get a tooth and we're all out of dates. Gramma Bette came closest with today's date. However, we still don't have a tooth. As a consolation prize Gramma Bette received a clothes pin holder and dinner on us during her next visit.
Check back tonight or tomorrow for updated picks of Elias and my haircut story!
Posted by Carly at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Asher Clyde
Posted by Carly at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Et tu stomach flu
Sorry we've been distant lately but Elias is suffering from some sort of stomach bug. I'll tell you, being a parent is extremely nerve wracking. There is nothing more horrible than watching your Little Man vomit and there's nothing you can do for him.
His loss of appetite starting a few days ago and then Saturday he threw up twice. I called the urgent care nurse and she told us he had to be seen within 24 hours so off to the ER we went. Now me, being the neurotic mother that I am, wanted an MRI a CT Scan everything done to make sure my boy was okay. All they did was say he's not dehydrated, give him Pedialyte and feed slowly. Okay, are you sure? I mean it could be an intestinal obstruction, brain tumor, anything. Brad of course has to calm me down because I'm a wreck. I used to do this with Marbie but now it's magnified by 5000! I truly have to learn to keep my emotions in check since I don't want Elias to feel my fear. I have to learn to be calm and collected and not Shirley McClain running through the hospital halls in Terms of Endearment, screaming, "Give my son his medication."
Okay, so here we are today. Last night Elias threw up twice, one little one and one big. I got my pediatrician on the line and she thinks because his little body had some sweet potatoes and pears that it may have been too much. Of course I wish they would have told me that in the ER. So he was up with me from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. We played in bed until we both fell asleep. Brad came home and we all slept together to make sure the Little Man didn't vomit in his sleep. He woke up a couple of times, ate some more and fingers crossed, hasn't thrown up since. We're keeping him off solids for a few more days and hoping he starts to feel better. I guess being a parent not only teaches you patience and persistence but also how to keep your composure and helplessness. I just want to do whatever I can for my Little Man to feel better. It is so tough leaving for work when you wish you could take care of him. Thankfully he's in the loving arms of his Gramma Sonny and I'll be home soon.
Also, for and update on the Elias Tooth Game, no teeth yet so only Gramma Bette is still in the running!
Posted by Carly at 12:26 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Elias slept from 7:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. this morning. I know that may not sound like a lot to you but it is a lot to us. I actually got 7 hours in a row of sleep. Thank you to my beautiful baby boy for giving your mom and dad some sleep. Now believe me we're not counting on that tonight, but we're taking it night by night!
Posted by Carly at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Asher Lee

Posted by Carly at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Happy Bronze Anniversary
Posted by Carly at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mom and Dad, Shout Out
Monday, August 4, 2008
Packer Dilemma
Okay there is no escaping the Brett Favre drama going on and especially not in our household. With Brad as an editor of a sports section and both of us rabid Packer fans, there has been much discussion. Not that anyone cares but I feel the need to voice my opinion. The Packers are being idiots. Yes Brett said he was retiring, yes he wants to come back, yes he's being a bit whiny but come on are you seriously going to sit him or worse, trade him. You can't tell me that Aaron Rodgers is going to be a better quarterback than Brett. There's only a few quarterbacks that MAY and I say MAY be better than Brett and Aaron Rodgers is not one of them. As Brad keeps saying, he's no Steve Young waiting in the wings, it's Aaron Rodgers. Brett should win the starting job hands down.

Posted by Carly at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yum Yum
So yesterday Mom and Dad went out for dinner and I came along. They said it was an early anniversary dinner. We walked to Trattoria Gemelli. Mom and Dad ate and I sat in a high chair for the first time. I mostly smacked my hands on the table and tried to grab food but it was fun. Mom and Dad said I was really good. I didn't cry or yell, I ate some summer vegetables and prunes and oatmeal along with Mom and Dad. Earlier in the day Mom let me suck on a nectarine and it was really good too.
Posted by Carly at 8:36 PM 0 comments