Sorry I've been neglecting you all. I truly am, however my priorities have taken a sudden turn. I am completely 100% obsessed. I can't control myself, like David Duchovney I should enter rehab, not for sex addiction but for reading addiction. Yes, you heard me right, reading addiction. Thank you Rachel for getting me addicted to to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series.
As some of you may know I like horror. Stephen King, Clive Barker, Freddy, Jason, the whole bit. This is horror with teen angst attached. At first I thought, there is no way I'm going to like this and I have to admit there are some hokey parts but seriously I can't get enough of it. I make sure and leave it at work so that I don't neglect my family.
Rachel lent me the first three books and I just bought number four yesterday night. It is a 750 page book. Guess what page I'm on, 301. Am I crazy, I think so.
Part of the reason I think I'm so obsessed is that I started reading the series when all four books were out already released so I'm dying to find out what happens. I'm not a big fan of surprises or waiting. I have no patience. Well, that's not entirely true. Since having Little Man my patience has gotten a lot, lot better but not when it comes to surprises. I always want to know my Christmas presents before I open them. For me it doesn't ruin the surprise, I still enjoy it. I'll hound Brad until he gives up any type of secret or surprise. So given that, I want to know what happens with Bella and Edward (you have to read the books to know what I'm talking about).
So loyal readers, that is why I have been neglecting you. However, it should be short lived. Brad is working tonight so I'm sure I'll be reading at a fevered pace to try and finish these damn books. I promise tomorrow we'll get back to what this is all about, Elias.
We're heading to see Anna and Katie tomorrow and then more friends coming over on Sun. I'll have pictures galore. You'll probably want to puke. So I'm off to stick my nose back in book!
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