Okay there is no escaping the Brett Favre drama going on and especially not in our household. With Brad as an editor of a sports section and both of us rabid Packer fans, there has been much discussion. Not that anyone cares but I feel the need to voice my opinion. The Packers are being idiots. Yes Brett said he was retiring, yes he wants to come back, yes he's being a bit whiny but come on are you seriously going to sit him or worse, trade him. You can't tell me that Aaron Rodgers is going to be a better quarterback than Brett. There's only a few quarterbacks that MAY and I say MAY be better than Brett and Aaron Rodgers is not one of them. As Brad keeps saying, he's no Steve Young waiting in the wings, it's Aaron Rodgers. Brett should win the starting job hands down.

it did them a lot good last year to have him around, . . . nice to see the packers investing in the future instead of living in the past
- cnolan
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