Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Et tu stomach flu

Sorry we've been distant lately but Elias is suffering from some sort of stomach bug. I'll tell you, being a parent is extremely nerve wracking. There is nothing more horrible than watching your Little Man vomit and there's nothing you can do for him.

His loss of appetite starting a few days ago and then Saturday he threw up twice. I called the urgent care nurse and she told us he had to be seen within 24 hours so off to the ER we went. Now me, being the neurotic mother that I am, wanted an MRI a CT Scan everything done to make sure my boy was okay. All they did was say he's not dehydrated, give him Pedialyte and feed slowly. Okay, are you sure? I mean it could be an intestinal obstruction, brain tumor, anything. Brad of course has to calm me down because I'm a wreck. I used to do this with Marbie but now it's magnified by 5000! I truly have to learn to keep my emotions in check since I don't want Elias to feel my fear. I have to learn to be calm and collected and not Shirley McClain running through the hospital halls in Terms of Endearment, screaming, "Give my son his medication."

Okay, so here we are today. Last night Elias threw up twice, one little one and one big. I got my pediatrician on the line and she thinks because his little body had some sweet potatoes and pears that it may have been too much. Of course I wish they would have told me that in the ER. So he was up with me from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. We played in bed until we both fell asleep. Brad came home and we all slept together to make sure the Little Man didn't vomit in his sleep. He woke up a couple of times, ate some more and fingers crossed, hasn't thrown up since. We're keeping him off solids for a few more days and hoping he starts to feel better. I guess being a parent not only teaches you patience and persistence but also how to keep your composure and helplessness. I just want to do whatever I can for my Little Man to feel better. It is so tough leaving for work when you wish you could take care of him. Thankfully he's in the loving arms of his Gramma Sonny and I'll be home soon.

Also, for and update on the Elias Tooth Game, no teeth yet so only Gramma Bette is still in the running!


Anonymous said...

No worries, Elias. I once spent a night puking and then dry-heaving and then I kept puking for several days after any kind of food. I was a bit older and stronger than you, but I survived. Maybe you'll even like that pedialyte stuff they tried to give me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Liza, I'm sure that makes Mommy feel better, even know it sucked for you.