Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting older.

Elias is getting so big. He's also starting to mature into a real little man. Brad and I have noticed lately that he is very aware of his surroundings basically to the point of manipulating us, but I expected nothing less of our child. He's also starting to self soothe. Although he won't yet sleep in his crib, he is starting to go down in the Cadillac of swings. Of course he doesn't like it on, he just likes to sleep in it. I talked to the doc and she said since he's been sick to wait until he's better to get him to go into the crib, probably around four months. We're going to start trying soon. I'm also going to start a sleep/nap journal for when the 'rents start watching, hopefully to make their life a little easier. For now, I just love enjoying the time I have snuggling with him.