Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Portrait of a three month old.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Boy Genius

Another day, another novelty onesie!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

So I head back to work a week from today. I'm truly not doing very well with it. Thankfully I'm leaving Elias in the arms of our parents, which does relieve a lot of anxiety but it still hurts. I know we all have to do it sometime. All my friends have gone through it and are still alive. Their children are thriving and wonderful to be around so I know it's not hard on the kids. I think it is actually harder on the Mom's than anyone else. Being a working mother you have this feeling of guilt of leaving your child. You go to college, law school, etc. then get pregnant, have a precious little one and realize you have to go back to work. Whether it's for financial reasons, the fact you spent umpteen years in school, or both. However, you can't shake that feeling of guilt associated with leaving your child. It really tears you in two. It's definitely different today than when our parents were children. Their mothers wouldn't dream of working but of course women had no opportunities back then.

With modernization and women's lib we gain equality but is it at the cost of our children. I don't think so. My mom worked and I'm fine (if not great, ha ha) but I can't help but be depressed, emotional and hesitant about returning to work. You have all these grand ideas before you have kids, "I could never be a stay at home mom", "I'll be able to return to work early", "I'll never take my kid into our bed (heard that one before from me right ;)" but once you become a parent that all goes out the window. The kids decide your fate. Elias is an outgoing, happy, smart kid and I know he'll do fine. It's me I'm worried about. Anyone have any sage advice or tips on how to deal?


Dog day afternoon (well, morning actually)

So after mom's post about my doggie Marbie last week, I thought I'd update everybody after his vet appointment this morning.

Our vet Dr. Hager at Hinsdale Animal Hospital examined Marbie and the good news first: he doesn't have hip dysplasia and everything else with him (his sight, hearing and overall well being is solid for a dog of 12+ years).

But Dr. Hager did believe Marbie's pooping problem - even though he hasn't gone inside the house for a week now since mom and dad seemed to figure out when he has to go every day - may be related to his arthritis in his back legs. Basically, the swelling and stiffness of his joints may be impinging some nerves, cutting some of the signals from his brain to his, well you know, and causing him to poop without warning.

If we can reduce the swelling with some arthritis meds, we may be able to eliminate these "accidents."

We'll keep you up to date - but encouraging news so far.

As for me, I turned on my crib waterfall soother with my feet last night - and then turned it on again twice more - to wake mom and dad up at 4 a.m. All this after doing a complete 180 in my crib earlier in the night. That was fun!

Peace out, Elias.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I am 3 months old (a little late)

I turned three months last Wednesday. I know, I know Mom should have let me post earlier but we had a busy weekend. We went to Green Bay to visit Grandpa Bill and Gramma Bette. It was really fun. I was a bit grumpy when we first arrived because my nap schedule was wonky but I warmed up quickly. I got a bath at both Grandparents' house and got to see my Great Grandpa and Grandma (these are old pictures because Mom's camera battery died, way to go Mom).

So anyway, here's what I've been doing at three months. I weigh almost 12 pounds, I'm over 24 inches long and still have lots of hair. I love my bouncy chair and my activity mat. I grab onto the monkey on both and tug away. I swat at the giraffe and the parrot. Taking walks with Marbs is very fun. We hit the jogging stroller and away we go. I'm starting to sleep in my crib, I actually prefer it because I can stretch out. Usually I sleep in there until about 3:30 a.m. then Mom gets too tired and brings me into bed. But I am taking naps in my crib. Mom and Dad got some new shades so it is nice and dark in there. I still wake up during the night (Mom says she loves that) but hey, I'm hungry.

Mom goes back to work in a week. I think she's more upset about it than I am. It will be cool to hang out with Dad, Grandpa Bill, and Grammas Sonny and Bette. I love them all very much. I know Mom is having a hard time leaving me. She will miss me very, very much. I'll miss her too but I'm going to be very busy growing and playing. When she gets home I'll be so excited to see her I may pee in my diaper. Wait, I do that anyway!

Peace out...Elias

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You can teach and old dog new tricks.

So I had kind of a tough night last night. Marbie, right after letting him in from outside, pooped in the house again. At first I was really angry. I just let him out. How could he come inside and go to the bathroom in the house. I know he felt horrible but I just didn't get it. I called Brad and talked to him about how are our parents going to watch Elias and deal with a dog pooping the house. How are we ever going to go anywhere again? Noone can watch him.

After calming down I decided to do further research on the internet. I had done some before thinking it was behavioral and he was acting out because I was pregnant and then we had Elias but this time I found this:

Bowel Incontinence and spinal problems
Q: Hi! We have an 11 1/2 year old male lab mix. Over the last 3 months his back legs have become somewhat lame (he has great difficulty getting up of climbing stairs - some times he just falls down while walking) and he seems to be totally unaware of his bowel movements (at first I thought his legs simply hurt to much to get up but many times he is already standing or is walking along and doesn't seem to realize anything is happening). Is this just age or are there other possibilities?
Thank You. Lisa
A: Lisa- Age alone doesn't explain very many things in veterinary medicine, so I strongly suspect that there is something wrong with your Lab. Due to the combination of neurologic signs (inability to control bowel movements and falling down) and musculoskeletal signs I think it is likely that there may even be more than one thing wrong. In this age range progressive degenerative joint disease from a problem like hip dysplasia or cranial cruciate ligament instability is one likely problem. A problem in the lumbo-sacral area is also possible as well as a condition such as degenerative myelopathy (not that common in Labs but possible, I think). Disc disease, spinal tumors, other forms of cancer and many other conditions are also possible. It takes a pretty extensive workup to diagnose the cause of neuromuscular symptoms in some cases but it can be very helpful in determining the proper treatment and in assessing the prognosis for long term success in treating the symptoms.
Mike Richards, DVM

I basically lost it. In my heart I knew Marbie was getting older. We figure he has hip dysplasia. He has all the symptoms, bunny rabbit gait, pain, trouble getting up and down, and incontinence. I couldn't help it, I broke down. Marbie's age suddenly really hit me.

We made an appointment with his vet for Monday. His incontinence has been increasing (another one today). I just don't know what we're going to do. I can't imagine my life without him. Brad and I got Marbie when we were 20 and 21. We had him almost all of college. He's been through five moves, three cities, and one baby. Even though he was afraid of fans, the oven, the washer and drier and now the dishwasher, we still loved him. He is the best dog ever. One time we left the fence open and what did Marbie do he walked to the sidewalk, peed on the tree and then came up the front porch and cried at the door. He would never consider running away, just peeing on a neighbor's tree. You can walk him off the leash and he won't go anywhere. We used to take him to parties in Madison till all hours of the night. He went everywhere with us. The best part is, he is SO sweet to Elias. We thought he may be jealous and ignore him but I truly believe he loves him. He hardly even reacted when we brought Elias home. It was if he expected it.

I have to realize the inevitable. Marbie is going to be 13 in a few months. I still don't know how I'm going to live without him. I know he's had wonderful life and we now have a beautiful baby boy to look after, but Marbie will always be my first baby. I love you Fuzzy Monkey.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Dinner Date

So I got to go out to dinner on Sat. with Mom's friends Meghan and Dana. I also got to see my buddy Jack. Meghan is his Mom. Mom said the food was delicious. We had a really good time. I like to hang out with Jack. He's 3 months older than I am. We hope to go to the Brookfield Zoo real soon since the weather is getting really nice.

Gramma Bette also stopped on her way back from Florida. It was great to see her. She fed me a bottle, which was yummy and I fell asleep. The next morning we headed to Blueberry Hill for breakfast. Again Mom said the food was good.

I have another busy weekend. Mom and I are going to Green Bay for the weekend to see Grandpa Bill and Gramma Bette. Peace out...Elias

Oh and Marbie and chilled the next morning too.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

So on Thursday Mom and I had lunch with her friends Rachel and Heather. Heather brought along her daughter Lucy. Boy was she cute. She didn't do much during lunch but sleep (been there done that) but it was cool to see her. I'm sure we'll get to know each other and play more. She's only six weeks younger than I am. I can't wait to meet her older brother Charlie too. Tonight I'm going to Trattoria Gemelli with my buddy Jack, his Mom Meghan and their friend Dana. I'll post some pics of my dinner party. Peace out...

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Day in the Life

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Blog!

I found a really cool blog Grean & Clean Mom. Check it out. She's also giving away BPA free sippy cups. This is what we all should aspire to!

Genius at work

Elias creating his blog entries. He is hard at work editing, like Daddy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'll get up and fly away

So we booked our ticket to visit Aunt Leanne and baby Asher today. I'm so excited. It will be my first plane ride. (I'll get my second a few weeks later visiting Uncle Craig, Aunt Kasie and cousins Shelby and Sophie.) Mom had some frequent flier miles so we got the ticket for $10! Dad is going to book his later.

What is really cool is that we're going to the Austin City Limits Music Festival. Mom's been already and she says it's awesome.
Since I'll be flying so much Mom got me the Baby B'Air. It'll keep me nice and safe. Peace out...Elias.


So we had to cancel our music class due to colds again. Not Elias this time but Becky's son James. It seems that this year the colds have just been running wild throughout everyone's children. Our doctor said it was one of the worst years ever. I know I'm probably being an over protective first-time Mom but Elias just got over his second cold of his short life. Becky and I have been planning to have lunch and get together for over three weeks. Everytime either one of her sons is sick or Elias is. That's how bad its been. Hopefully now that it's starting to get warm all the fresh air will help kill these cold germs! Has anyone else's kids have to go through a bad cold this year?...Carly

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Music makes me lose control...

Tomorrow I'm heading to a music class with Mom's friend Becky and her two boys. It should be fun. I'm not exactly sure what we'll do considering I'm still getting the hand control thing down, but I'll try. Also only a few days until Gramma Bette gets here!

Mom and I took a two mile walk today on the Salt Creek Forest Preserve trails. It was totally cool. We saw five deer. Count 'em five. Next time Mom will take the camera but boy were they big. Much bigger than Marbie. Speaking of Marbie, he's loving the outdoors. Thank goodness for spring. Him and the three-legged dog next door, Lucky, are having a blast barking at people and peeing on things. I can't wait until I can go out there and hang with them. Peace out...Elias

Sunday, April 13, 2008


So I was a busy, busy man this weekend. First I went out to dinner with The Rockers and Megan on Friday. They tell me the food was good but I mostly slept. They had this cool little contraption that I could put my car seat on. So I just snoozed.

Saturday I took my first trip into the city. Mom and Dad dressed me all up and we went to Jon and Meera's for a dinner party. Again they said the food was good but I didn't try anything. However, I know I was the life of the party. I was up real late that night. Mom said I don't get to stay up that late regularly but they made an exception for Jon and Meera.

Finally on Sunday, after helping Mom with some laundry, we headed over to Gramma Sonny and Grandpa Jim's house. More good food for Mom and Dad (nothing for me again). I had a little accident in my pants but as usual Mom is prepared and had me changed and cleaned up in no time.

Tomorrow Mom starts preparing to go back to work. I know she has three weeks left but she's a worry wart. She wants to make sure everything is perfect for me and the Grandparents. I know she's really, really upset about having to leave me but I've told her many times that I'll be with Grandpa Bill, Gramma Bette and Gramma Sonny, so I couldn't be in better more loving hands.

Peace out...Elias

Friday, April 11, 2008

Gramma Sonny

So Mom dropped me off today at Gramma Sonny's. It's the first time she's left me with someone other than Dad since I was a week old. I was very excited, as you can see.

Mom went to get a manicure and pedicure, a gift she got from Gramma Sonny and Grandpa Jim for her birthday before I came around. Mom actually was pretty calm. It was cool. Gramma Sonny got to feed me, and I drank a good amount. She also changed my diaper. We then looked at all the cool stuff in her house. Finally I took a quick nap and Mom was back (her nails looked fantastic by the way).

Since Mom did so well, and I guess I wasn't too bad myself, I think I may be able to get out of house by myself more! Peace out...Elias

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The shirt says it all people.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

See I'm not the only one...see earlier post the D word.

Parents magazine has an article called Grandparents Get a Life. The premise is "Has anyone noticed that if you want your busy parents to come and bake cookies with your kids you practically need to make an appointment?...So what's the matter with granparents today? Not a thing, it's just that they have lives." If you want to read the article click here.

As I opined before things are much different today than when we were kids. Most if not all of my friends are in the same boat. Their parents are working, traveling or generally just too busy. Believe me I think its great and I plan to be that kind of Grandparent too!

I find this amusing.

Riding Dirty.

So I tested out my new chair today. Well, it's not new Will & Carissa (see earlier post to welcome Ava) got it for me when I was still in Mom's tummy. It's pretty fly though. Mommy is trying to get me used to it so I can eat at the table like a big boy. As you can see from my starring video, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. That's just the way I roll. Peace out...Elias

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting older.

Elias is getting so big. He's also starting to mature into a real little man. Brad and I have noticed lately that he is very aware of his surroundings basically to the point of manipulating us, but I expected nothing less of our child. He's also starting to self soothe. Although he won't yet sleep in his crib, he is starting to go down in the Cadillac of swings. Of course he doesn't like it on, he just likes to sleep in it. I talked to the doc and she said since he's been sick to wait until he's better to get him to go into the crib, probably around four months. We're going to start trying soon. I'm also going to start a sleep/nap journal for when the 'rents start watching, hopefully to make their life a little easier. For now, I just love enjoying the time I have snuggling with him.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Get out and vote!

Hey everybody vote for Elias for cutest baby. He will fulfill all his campaign promises of drooling, crying, wetting diapers and being all around cute! Vote here!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My new ride.

So after Dad threw out his back Mom and Dad vowed to get in shape. Now I want to remind everyone Mom still weighs less than when she got pregnant with me but she still wants to get even healthier. Anyway, since they want to get in shape they decided to start doing some fast walking on the beautiful trails around here. These trails are not always smooth so we needed a all terrain stroller. After stopping in at Right Start we found out they were having a deal on Phil & Ted's Sport Buggy. The deal was you got the second seat free. Now I don't know why they need a second seat, they said something about having another kid, but we're going to have talk about that.

We got the "Badger" red one. I took a ride with Marbs today and man is it cool. As you can see I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was pretty nice out but Mom bundled me all up because I'm still a bit sick. I can't wait to take it off-roadin'. Peace out...Elias

This just in...

Welcome Ava!

Congrats Will & Carissa!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hello Mommy & Daddy

A teaspoon of crying makes the medicine go down.

So you all know I have an ear infection. Well I've discovered a wonderful way to play with Mom and Dad. When they try and shoot the medicine in my mouth I spit it out. I find this very, very funny. The medicine doesn't even taste that bad but spitting it out is so much fun. Unfortunately what they have discovered is that I can't spit it out when I'm crying. So they wait for me to cry and then shoot it down my throat. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

I'm starting to feel better in my ear but still have a wicked cold. My nose is all stuffed up and Mom uses this bulb thing to take the snot out. It really sucks. But I'm still in good spirits. Peace out. Elias

Shout Out

Congratulations to Will & Carissa they welcomed Ava Carissa Schultz born at 7:13 am, April 5, 2008, weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz. and 20 3/4 inches long. Can't wait to meet her as well! Pictures will follow!

Friday, April 4, 2008


More pics of beautiful Asher. I wish I was there to meet him!


Head over to to win one of two BPA free feeding kits. Just leave a comment on their site. Good luck!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shout Out

Shout out to Leanne and Chris on welcoming Asher Clyde this morning at 12:55 a.m. 7 lbs. 11 oz. 19.5 inches. We are so very happy for you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My poor boys

Well Brad's back is a bit better. However he's still in a lot of pain. He's basically been laid up since Sat. which really sucks for him.

Also, don't let this amazingly cute photo taken this morning mislead you, my other main man has an ear infection. I brought him to the doctor yesterday after he started coughing and sneezing a lot again. The poor guy has been sick half his life. I guess that is one of the unfortunate things of being a January baby. Mom (Grandma Bette), says I should know.

The only positive thing about Elias being sick is that it gave Brad and I a boost in our parenting abilities. We knew something was wrong with him. As you read from my last post, he was very clingy, crying a lot, and just not being himself. We both noticed this and decided it was time for a trip to the doc. Thankfully we did because he only has a minor ear infection in one ear. We were supposed to go to the Brookfield Zoo today with Grandma Sonny but it will have to wait until his ear gets better since it is a stinking 33 degrees here today! Spring anyone? ...C

Oh and watch for a possible shout out later today. Aunt Leanne had contractions six minutes apart last night at 10:30 p.m. We're waiting for a call to see if Asher is an April Fool's baby!